
4DFrame Activity Tips:

7. Patterns/Symmetry


Build different patterns, or symmetrical figures.


KomTek in Järfalla is a Swedish science- and technology-oriented activity centre that regularly uses 4DFrame materials in its programs both in-house and with local schools. Anna Nytomt Kristensson is one of their staff who works with this and she shared this set of activity tips KomTek developed (thank you, Anna!) for using this educational teaching tool.




7. Patterns/Symmetry

Build different patterns, or symmetrical figures.


Main concepts 1-3 mathematics:

- Symmetry as found, for example, in nature and in artwork, and how symmetry can be constructed.


- How simple patterns in sequences of numbers and simple geometric patterns can be constructed, described and expressed.


Main concepts 1-3 technology:

- Materials for your own design work, their properties, and how they can be connected.


Main concepts 4-6 mathematics:

- Symmetry in everyday life, in art, in nature, and how symmetry can be constructed.


- How simple patterns in sequences of numbers and simple geometric patterns can be constructed, described and expressed.



- Draw patterns.


- Work with simple symmetry exercises. Watch a butterfly and notice how it looks the same on both wings. Show what symmetry is, paint your own symmetrical images.






- Build symmetrical patterns with blocks on both sides of a string.


- Build patterns with cubic centimeter blocks, or another type of block.


- Look for examples of patterns and symmetry around you.


Patterns/symmetry with 4DFrame:

- Have students build different patterns and examples of symmetry with 4DFrame.


- They can continue adding to each other's patterns, describe their pattern, draw their pattern, etc.


















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